ॐ गं गणपतये नम:
ॐ सरस्वती नमो नमः



Let me first clarify what really Hindutva is, since many hours spent on talking to people on the topic and people coming up with their own versions of it as they like is very confusing and controversial to the ideals thus I would like to clarify the term to the best of my ability. The term Hindutva was first coined by Late Visionary Shriman Chandranath Basu in his book Hindutva(hindur prakriti ar itihas) and later propagated by Shriman Lokmanya Tilak and Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1921-1922 as redefining the name Hindu and its relation to Hindutva in his book -The Essentils of Hindutva. Hindutva has two parts to it
1-Political Aspect-In the modern Democratic form of government Shriman Savarkar clearly understood that only having numbers with no political will of the masses means nothing therefore he gave a clear meaning to the name Hindu as an entity to a group of people who identify the Bharat bhoomi as their Pitra and Poonya bhoomi i.e ancestral land and holy land and thus eradicating the barriers of cast haunting the Hindu society as a whole at that point of time, and thus solidifying the sects which are branches of Hindu civilisation viz. Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism and thus bringing forth the reality that these three including all the different sects of Hinduism are all children of this Bharat and therefore have a claim to this land as their ancestors land. The invaders namely Islam and Christianity had converted millions of Hindus to their faith by crookery and threat but now the population that remain in Bharat of the above religious denomination although have a claim to this land as their Pitra bhoomi the same cannot be said about their Poonya bhoomi.
2-Weaponisation of Hindus to protect Dharma and their families from outside threat . Shriman Savarkar wrote in his pamphlet about the looming threat of the huge muslim population in British army, he envisoned soon after the independence this would pose a problem and we can see he was right on his buck when the muslim league and muslim national guards created havoc within the country to demand partition the genocides perpetrated viz in the regions of Bengal , Pakistan and Punjab, it was later due to the efforts of Shriman Savarkar that a large Hindu population also took up arms and training in the British army that served as the base for Independent India’s national army after the partition in 1947.
This article aims to bring to fruition the vision of Hindu Rashtra with the help of Hindutva and transcend Hindu Rashtra into Ram Rajya further.

An oversimplified explaination of Hindu Rashtra would be a Rashtra comprising of Hindus, and who are Hindus? The answer to that question was given by Shriman Savarkar as “this Bharatbhumi. this Sindusthan, this land of ours that stretches from Sindhu to Sindhu is our Punyabhumi, for it was in this land that the Founders of our faith and the Seers to whom ‘Veda’ the Knowledge was revealed, from Vaidik seers to Dayananda, from Jina to Mahavir, from Buddha to Nagasen, from Nanak to Govind, from Banda to Basava, from Chakradhar to Chaitanya, from Ramdas to Rammohan, our Gurus and Godmen were born and bred. The very dust of its paths echoes the footfalls of our Prophets and Gurus. Sacred are its rivers, hallowed its groves, for it was either on their moonlit ghats or under their eventide long shadows, that the deepest problems of life, of man, soul and God, of Brahma and Maya, were debated and discussed by a Buddha or a Shankar. Ah! every hill and dell is instinct with memories of a Kapil or a Vyas. Shankar or Ramdas. Here Bhagirath rules, there Kurukshetra lies. Here Ramchandra made his first halt of an exile, there Janaki saw the golden deer and fondly pressed her lover to kill it. Here the divine Cowherd played on his flute that made every heart in Gokul dance in harmony as if in a hypnotized sleep. Here is Bodhi Vriksha, here the deer-park, here Mahaveer entered Nirvana. Here stood crowds of worshippers amongst whom Nanak sat and sang the Arati ‘the sun & the moon are the lights in the plate of the sky!’ Here Gopichand the king look on vows of Gopichand the Jogi and with a bowl in his hand knocked at his sister’s door for a handful of alms! Here the son of Bandabahadur was hacked to pieces before the eyes of his father and the young bleeding heart of the son thrust in the father’s mouth for the fault of dying as a Hindu! Every stone here has a story of martyrdom to tell! Every inch of thy soil, O Mother! has been a sacrificial ground! Not only ‘where the Krishnasar is found’ but from Kasmir to Sinhar it is ‘ Land of sacrifice,’ sanctified with a Jnana Yajna or an Atmaajna (self-sacrifice). So to every Hindu, from the Santal to the Sadhu this Bharata bhumi this Sindhusthan is at once a Pitribhu and a Punyabhu—fatherland and a holy land. “

One might ask who are the citizens of a Hindu Rashtra then? Well its pretty simple everyone who were the citizens before it was formed but the Rashtra runs on the principles of Dharma and will not follow the christian concept of secularism which translates to tolerance because in Bharat we always believed in the concept of acceptance than of tolerance, thus the new sets of laws will reflect the values of sanatan dharma than of our invaders, the parliament will still be in place only the highest governing authority will be someone decided by the plebicide of the majority of the population and that person has to be a Hindu first and foremost and uphold the highest ideals of Dharma and reflect in his or her personality Sanatan values, the laws will be framed as per Hindu laws, customs and traditions . The Indic world view and systems will be in the centre stage of it all. The Varna system will be in play which means no reservations on the basis of cast rather economic aid will be given on the basis of economic situation of a person. And as per the Varna system the varna will be decided on the basis of one’s merit not on the basis of one’s birth although in the modern world of 21st century it’s not much of a system of job description than its usability in forming arranged marriages in the society.
For the reconciliation of the atrocities that were committed by islamic invaders and christian invaders we must go back a little in time, before the invasion of Bharat in 7th century we can agree most of the people living on this bhoomi were followers of the Sanatan routes and were converted later on by crookery and violence, although ethnicity of the population of majority is homogenous in nature and thus so should be the dharma they follow, thus the converted people should be encouraged to come back to the dharma of their ancestors through Shuddhikaran, although if one may wish to keep to their new found faiths of their oppressors they are perfectly free to do so. But at the same time the state shall not make any special provisons for them what so ever in that matter. The Rashtra will also not allow any conversions in matters of religion (although any Hindu may change to Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism if they feel that is the right path for their salvation and vice versa).
The very first allegation that the Left and Communists like to point at us is the ban of beef and non vegetarian food as we the Hindutva trads will impose upon the mass let me clarify that once and for all we understand that huge part of the population of this country is non -vegeterian and Bhagvat gita clearly states the basic three gunas which are Sattvic, Rajsik and Tamsik and thus we have no such intention of imposing vegetarian food on the people, though the sattvic factor plays a major role in spirituality in our culture but then spirituality is purely a voluntary decision of an individual and for the latter part when someone says Beef one must understand Beef is category of a meat not the meat of a specific animal and yes the truth is Gau Raksha is our primary duty in Hindu Rashtra one might say one of the pillars of Sanatan Dharma but in this context Gau means Cows of Indian origin only not bulls, buffaloes and Holstein cows or the likes, thus the ban in Hindu Rashtra will not be on the meat category itself but on the specific animal that we hold sacred.
The second most alleged rant against us is that we are against love relationships which is ill founded, we do believe the allegation has to do something with the Bajrang Dal activities during the early 2000’s which we understand but different times call for different measures and we do realise that our culture is also the one which wrote Kamasutra which would not have been possible if we were really that closed minded thus we urge the readers to kindly be patient with us and help us find all the roots of our civilisation buried deep within the sands of time. We do believe relationships between individuals are sacred and thus the state would refrain from interference in interpersonal relationships of the individuals in the Rashtra.
Neither are we against technology and development or regressive in nature as the left would like you to believe we are merely trying to protect the Dharma which we hold so dear to us.

Vision of Ram Rajya is an ancient vision, first articulated by Valmiki in his Sanskrit literature on Ramayana. During medieval times, Tulsidas in Ram Charit Manas.
Now what if we link Ram Rajya to today’s modern world and take some context from it.
The best possible way to explain the world we live in today is the maslow’s hierarchy theory of needs or the Pyramid of needs-the following figure shows the pyramid.

The needs transcend to spirituality going through the bottom four steps , in real world scenario Ram Rajya provides a capitalistic nature of the economy with dharma as the prime goal and as such provides for dharmic way of cultivating profit which simply translates to make profits but not at the cost of depriving others viz Shubh labh.
We all know Shri Ram for his generosity, benevolence and justice the pillar of Dharma therefore the safety needs of all the subjects would be well attained to as no criminal would go unpunished and no victim will be denied justice , Shri Ram established ek Patni vrat pratha thus securing the security and dignity of women in society.
Shri Ram belongs to everyone and the subjects belong to Shri Ram. He loved them like his children so much so that he would go to any lengths for them. The subjects feel an astute sense of bonding and love to their king and to other people.
When the subjects are given freedom and duty and responsibility to bear arms to protect themselves and the society as a whole.
The ultimate aim of all the subjects in Ram Rajya is to attain salvation that is moksha with Prabhu Ram thus attaining the highest ideals of Sprituality.

NOTE-Many may argue that the Maslow’s hierarchy theory is subjective and cannot be applied to a mass scale of people, which is not correct for the very basic fact that when the quality of life of citizens of a nation rises so does the moral values in such citizens . Morality and ethics can only be bred in persons who are economically and culturally sound, to be conducive enough to such ideals and morals.
The hindu society at large in Bharat is still largely very much atune with the principles of Ram rajya , it is the scarcity of economic welfare to the Hindus due to the policies in play .
If it was not so the Hindu community as a whole would have been one of the most affluent and influential community in the world right now. The principles and virtues of Ram rajya are in sync to the well being and upliftment of all the of the hindu community as a whole and even to every community living here .
Is There any Example of Ram Rajya in Modern Context?
Orccha in Madhya Pradesh is a modern day example of ‘Ramraja ki Sarkar’. It is managed under the rulership of Ram as King of the city. There is no crime and it is said that people don’t lock their homes! The question is: Can this be replicated in other cities? Yes it can be replicated with uniformity in culture and value system, Ganga-Jamooni Tehzeeb is a sham and time and again it has proven to be such. When we talk about uniformity in culture and value system it should be amply clear we are talking about Sanatan culture and system of imparting values. The traditions are varied in India as there are various sects with various traditions of worship and festivals religious in nature and hence, a leeway is prescribed for acceptance of each and every traditional practices of Sanatan Sects viz. Hindu(various sects included), Sikh, Jain, Buddhism.

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